William Foster, Executive Director
A New Yorker through and through, William Foster was born in Brooklyn and raised in Queens. He attended public schools throughout his academic career and honed his work ethic at a young age as he managed to balance a full time job and schoolwork during college and graduate school.
Armed with a degree, he took a job in the Bronx as a counselor working with severely mentally ill people, which lead to an opportunity to supervise mental health counselors. With the help of his first administrative supervisor, Bessie, he learned what it takes to be a great leader.
Those invaluable lessons lead him to two directorial and organizational management positions. In 2004, William was contacted by NIDC to revitalize the organization and put it on a new path towards success. It was only with the courage of the staff, the support of the board and community, and a lack of knowledge about when to throw in the towel that NIDC began stabilize and grow.
Today, William has three beautiful children, a wonderful wife, and the directorship of a strong and thriving organization.
Amy Shebar, Associate Executive Director
Amy Shebar has been with NIDC since June 2022. Before joining this amazing team, Amy worked with the Department of Youth and Community Development for 13 years, with most of her time focused on the COMPASS afterschool/summer camp program model. Amy has a Bachelors Degree in Urban Planning from Barnard College and a Masters of Science in Urban Policy Analysis and Management from The New School, both in New York City. Amy is also a Certified Professional Coach and works to help people stand in the center of their own lives, taking up the space they deserve.
Here at NIDC, Amy is happy to run much of the operations of the organization, helping support the structure upon which NIDC will continue to grow and thrive!
Hazel Miura, Director of Housing and Community Development
For over 30 years, Hazel Miura has worked closely with local businesses, merchants and civic associations, city, state, and federal agencies, community leaders, and elected officials to improve communities in the Bronx. She has formed numerous successful community associations, including BRAVES – Bronx Renters Alliance of Voters for Rent Stabilization – a coalition of Bronx community-based organizations, tenant associations, and Bronx elected officials, with the mission of renewing the rent stabilization laws.
At NIDC, Miura leads the Housing and Community Development department advocating for residents throughout the Bronx.
Christy Olsen, Senior Director of Youth Services
Since joining NIDC in 2001 as a teen director, Christy Olsen has been instrumental in the growth and development of NIDC’s youth services. She has expanded afterschool programming at P.S. 96, started afterschool programming at P.S. 357 and Eastchester Gardens Community Center, and stabilized NIDC’s Summer Camp and Prep For Success programming. Olsen counts seeing her former students earn degrees, return to NIDC as volunteers and staff, and turn their lives around as one of her greatest accomplishments.
Olsen currently oversees all youth services at NIDC.